Thursday, July 31, 2008
Virtual Word Publishing Review
SEO for the rest of us
Trending Solutions Review
Are you a Dynamic Woman Entrepreneur?
Yeah, let's be honest here. Some opportunities only come around once...maybe twice in the course of your business journey that you MUST snag before the chance slips you by. This is one of those fleeting, grab-me-while-you-can opportunities!
After all, what women Entrepreneur wouldn't want to meet Tamara Monosoff, have a chuckle with HARO (Help A Reporter Out)creator and funny-man Peter Shankman, and get the dish from renowned author Julie Lenzer-Kirk? Umm, I know I would!
Hey, did I mention you get to meet these cool cats while having a great time at DISNEY? This is a big-time, worth the business write-off kind of trip. Nationally renowned speakers, the opportunity to showcase your business for critique and industry advice, break-out sessions and tons of fun! However, this event is limited to the first 100 women to sign-up, so don't wait. Make a deposit today and have something major to look forward to in 2009!
Did I mention my good friend and super-talented Businesswoman Janene Jaroscak is the driving force behind DWE? Well, read more about her in the next post and learn more about her business, Trending Solutions.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
If this isn't motivation, I can't help you :-)
We've had some AMAZING developments on the Mommies with businesses front. I'm so amazed to be surrounded by women who are not only stong mothers with strong personalities, but are hard working, driven and just cloaked in the desire to make it big. No matter if you started your business to generate a little extra money, to follow a passion or to make millions, it's easy to get inspired by stories like these.
So, my fellow moms in business and online buddies have had a lot going on!
Heard about Grill Charms? No? Well that's about to change in a hurry. My girl Leslie Haywood was recently on CNBC's "The Big Idea" with Donny Deutsch on the segment, "Make mine a Million."
Watch Leslie's You Tube Video here:
Leslie is a true inspiration to women who aspire to make their companies into a public mainstay, which is where Grill Charms is headed after all the rockin' publicity it's had lately.
As if Grill Charms wasn't nearly enough, my other online Buddy, Cher Klosner was also featured on "The Big Idea", but on "The American Dream Team" segment. This Mom and professional musician, along with her brother Gene, formed Audible Chocolate Productions, and produced the most amazing Lullaby CD! You've got to listen to clips from Stardust to realize how incredible it is! One thing is for sure, Donny Deutsch liked it!
But Cher and Gene didn't stop there. A short week later, their CD Stardust was awarded the iParenting Media Award!
Why am I showing you all this glory? Because these moms started with a little business seed and did something wonderful with it. Market positioning, generating press, coveting the media and hard work is paying off for these women, just like it can for you! No matter what stage of business you are in, utilize little tidbits of inspiration when you can and keep moving forward!